Thanks to Jung Ho Park for having me co-teach "Environment Design" class at Kevin Chen's Concept Design Academy. Unfortunately the class got full as soon as it got announced, I guess there was a waiting list already from James Paick's popular painting class. It's a 10 weeks course and I will be teaching by-weekly and I am very excited to go back to Pasadena area- it almost made me feel like I am going back to Artcenter. Since I graduated, for my entire career I end up staying at westside, away from San Bernando Valley and I think it's time for me to go back to where I started and hang out in lovely Pasadena. Hmm,, I miss those tree canopies..and tree smell.
damn i tried to get into that class and failed!! lol
Hi Cecil,
Congratulations on the classes at CDA, it would have been an honour to learn from you and Jung Park :)
i will try to attend those awesome classes after this summer
Well done cecil. Any chance of sharing your notes of the class you're teaching?
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