Thursday, October 09, 2008

Village House Style Concept


Izzy Medrano said...

THis style is way bad ass! I really like the marks in that distant tree in the first image. cool stuff bro!

Izzy Medrano said...

I love the marks in that big tree in the distance! Great works!

Unknown said...

Thanks Izzy!

Your comments are helping me to re-examine my work.
Thanks always!!


Unknown said...

dude sweet! I like the little brown guy in the left painting, his pose is awesome.

Hey i posted a new image of akuma over at my blog, it might give you a better idea of what i am going for. I started making his base. The perspective isnt as extreme as the older one, but that is bc i couldnt push it anymore in zbrush, but i plan on it in the end. Anyways check it.

tunamunaluna said...

suppa cool stuff! you know i love seeing animation concepts from you!

Jackson Sze said...

Haha! How awesome!

Monica Grue said...

I love these!